Saturday, April 9, 2016


By Thando Sipuye

There's a psychological war waged on our kids' consciousness via cartoons and animations with white characters, teaching our kids white stories and fairytales.

Film companies like Disney and Warner Brothers belong to the global white power structure. Together with Hollywood, they are not our friends. They produce films to advance white supremacy.

Today, racism white supremacy has normalized and universalized itself such that it is very hard to detect. White supremacy is projected on screens of all tele-vision networks in this country. The SABC, ETV, DSTV – all project content of normalized white supremacy. Through tele-vision programming our children are programmed to be zombies of white supremacy. This is psychological warfare in motion picture.

Black children are taught and trained to love whiteness and despise Blackness through white cartoons and animations. Our kids are systematically trained to love images of glorified white heroes and sheroes projected in white cartoons and animations.

From Peter Pan, to Superman, to Batman, to Alice in Wonderland, to Cinderella, to The Little Mermaid, to Barbie Girl, to Hercules, to Donald Duck, to Snow White, to Scooby Doo, to Santa Clause, to Tom & Jerry, to Catwoman, to Goofy, Mickey Mouse, etc. – all of these are cartoons of white supremacy produced to instil white values, white culture, white desires, white behaviour and white worldviews in our children.

Self-hatred and the hatred of everything Black is instilled deep in their sub-conscious mind through these white cartoons and animations. Their organic, natural imagination is arrested; replaced by white imaginations of Black reality. Our children grow up desiring to be white because they’ve been trained to perceive whiteness as the only universal and perfect reality of human existence.

Children love cartoons and animations. They spend most of their time watching that stuff. Most parents or guardians leave children in front of TV screens (or laptops) watching cartoons/animations while they go about doing their chores in the home. These white cartoons and animations plant images of white supremacy in our children's imaginations and memory bank. They begin the process of whitewashing the consciousness of Black children.  

Moreover, these images of white cartoons and animation characters are printed on everything our kids play with (toys), read (books), listen to (jingles & rhymes) and wear (clothes). Therefore Black children grow up imagining and wishing themselves to be white. They are trained to know at a young age that white supremacy is the only universal truth. They are taught that in the world they are born into, white supremacy is the only acceptable norm.

These cartoons and animations of white supremacy are simply produced to arrest the minds and organic imagination of Black children. They destroy the natural developmental psychology of the Black child. So that our children see everything white as superior (and everything Black as inferior). Our children therefore grow up with white imaginations of reality. The strategy of the white supremacists is "kill them before they grow".

I know about the cartoon series called Boondocks, and some efforts of animating some of Nelly Fuller’s lessons on racism. But are there more cartoons and animations being produced by us Blacks to counter the Hollywood war on our children’s minds?

Are there any Black people producing cartoons and animations for our children? Are there any cartoons teaching our children to know who their enemies are and their history? Are there any cartoons out there designed to free the imagination of our kids to allow them to re-imagine a new Black reality in which we are a powerful and supreme people?

All other nations, cultures and races are producing their own material to shape the minds and consciousness of their children.  Chinese, Japanese, Indians and Europains all produce their own material to shape the minds of their young. All other races shape the consciousness and imagination of their young ones to prepare them for their role in human affairs.

The Black race still allows other people to shape the consciousness and imagination of their children. We are slaves.

It is self-defeating and self-destructive to keep on allowing the enemy to shape the consciousness and imagination of our beautiful Black babies.

The white fantasies and fairytales our children learn through these white cartoons and animations are deeply rooted in the culture of the vampires (Europains) who continue to suck the lifeblood of our people everyday. Our children internalize Europian-ness (whiteness) through these motion images planted in their little fragile Black minds.

It is very difficult for a child (a person) who grew up being taught that whites are superior to accept anything else as reality. White supremacy becomes all that  make sense to them because they grow from watching white cartoons and animations to watching white soapies, white movies and white series’. The only reality that exists to them is only that which has been implanted in their minds and imaginations.

The overall strategy of white supremacy is to kill the minds, imagination and consciousness of Black children before they grow. 

This is a war.


By Thando Sipuye

The whiteboy is busy with an advanced stage of social re-engineering under the guise of femi-nazi Eurocentric concepts such as "homophobes", "feminism", "patriarchy", "intersectionality", "misogynist", "breeders", .

The primary aim of white supremacy is the total destruction of the Black family unit. Whites have recreated themselves in Black people, and our people now work in servitude of the enemy through his concepts.

According to historian Barry Adams: “Gay liberation never thought of itself as a civil rights movement for a particular minority, but as a revolutionary struggle to free homosexuality in everyone, challenging the conventional arrangements that confined sexuality to heterosexual, monogamous families. For gay liberation, there was no ‘normal’ or ‘perverse’ sexuality, only a world of sexual possibilities ranged against a repressive order of marriage, oedipal families and compulsory heterosexuality."

The more the public hears about homosodomy and sees it portrayed in positive ways, such as on television or through the news media, the more 'normal' it will seem. They are constructing 'white sex' and Europain gender disorders as universal norm, just as they have done with all other aspects of Europain culture and worldviews.

The homosodomist movement is employing several key strategies in their efforts to bring about complete social reconstruction, particularly in the Black community. Social re-engineering through the mutation of gender is one of these key strategies.

Now they are infusing their homosodomist agenda with the Black liberation struggle, equating the Black experience with homosodomy/queerness. They call this 'intersectionality', a term constructed by Black women who, significantly, are in close proximity to whiteness.

The Black family structure is the basis of any nation building project, and white supremacy consistently attacks the Black family unit in order to advance and maintain white interests. The subtle systematic degenderization of society is part of the white supremacy’s broader political plan of Black depopulation.

If you have the Black wombman fight against her male partner (READ THE ‘WILLIE LYNCH LETTER & THE MAKING OF A SLAVE’), then effeminize the males and emasculate the females - you have successfully set the stage for complete annihilation of the race.

The Black gene-ocide is in progress. White supremacy never sleeps.