Saturday, May 24, 2014


By Ras. Aviwe Chimurenga 

South Africa is still a settler criminal terrorist state, ruled and run by the same white imperialists, colonialists and terrorist forces as it was before 1994. There is no fundamental change in the structure and the framework of this Anglo-Euro state, though now we have new Black-skinned managers who are trying by all means to convince us that South Africa is Afrikan (Black). South Africa was created by white European terrorists, murderers; those bloodsuckers who killed my people and raped man, woman and even babies. The whole social, political and economic structure of South Africa is white, European, colonial and imperial in form and substance. South Africa was created for the purpose of exploiting Afrika, its people and its resources. 

The laws that exist in this country were created for the protection of white colonial interests and for the justification of the exploitation of Afrika by these vampires. South African laws are Greek, Roman, Dutch, Anglo and American laws. The whole judicial system is white and colonial. There are no laws created or developed by the indigenous people of this country within the judiciary system, hence the prisons of this country are filled with the Black poor and suffering masses. The laws in this country are designed to condemn the Black Race, the victims of white oppression and to protect the white race, the perpetrators of countless crimes of genocide against indigenous Afrikans in this country.

South Africa is still a criminal settler colony which must still be liberated by Afrikans. What happened in 1994 was a transfer of managerial tasks from white colonialists to their ‘Afropean’ neo-colonialists represented by the ANC. Nelson Mandela and company sold Azania at the altars of white supremacy by signing the so-called ‘Freedom Charter’, which is in truth a ‘Freedom Cheater’ in that it dispossesses Black Afrikans of our Land, which is our birthright from God and our Ancestors.

Up until this day these white barbarians from Europe still continue exploiting our land, resources and people mercilessly. The ANC managerial staff is the agents of De Beers, Oppenheimer, Anglo-American, Rio Tinto, and all the other exploiters of Azania’s human and natural resources. It is a big white lie that South Africa is free from white imperial colonial bondage. They want to deceive us (especially the younger generation) by creating a sham government who get funding from the same rapists (IMF & World Bank) who have been raping Azania since the 1400’s.

Some of us are neither confused nor deceived by white propaganda. We are very clear of what exactly is going on. We are fully aware of how governments are run, and how power is ceased. We are fully aware of the white man’s tricks and strategies. The so-called ‘Rainbow Nation’ of Desmond Tutu, F.W. De Klerk and Nelson Mandela is an illusion, a misleading and dangerous political construct designed to protect the  interests of the white oppressors in South Africa; it is not reality. Afrika will always be for Afrikans (Blacks), those of us here at home, and those who are abroad through the Trans-Atlantic Black Slave Trade. 

Afrika belongs to its indigenous people, and those are Black people. The gold, the diamonds, the copper, the coal, the platinum, the uranium and numerous other mineral and natural resources in this country are the rightful property of Black people. All those whites who own these things are criminals. All that they claim to own was gained through murder, theft and robbery of Black peoples. Tutu, Mandela and De Klerk can fool some people for a while, but they cannot fool all the people all the time. There is no ‘Rainbow Nationalism’ in South Africa. All that exists here is sheer hypocrisy, arrogance, ignorance and the continued exploitation and silent oppression of Black people by whites and sellout politicians.

It is only a united Black Revolutionary Movement set against this South African white power structure and its Black allies that can liberate Azania. No political party that exists, nor any that shall be formed can liberate this country. Only a people’s Revolution can achieve this goal. Party politics will never solve Black people’s problems, especially that of land dispossession. 

The whole Black community, the whole Black family, the whole Black Race must rise up with one united force to claim these. Or else we will see in South Africa the same situation as in Zimbabwe where you find Blacks (MDC) opposing the repossession of stolen land by other Blacks who belong to a different political party (ZANU-PF). These are the very same white man’s tactics and strategies of divide, fool and conquer. We must not fall in this trap. A collective Revolution is needed, spearheaded not by party politicians, but by ordinary peoples on the ground, in the ghettos, squatter camps and townships.

No negotiated settlement with white supremacy, like the Congress for Democratic South Africa (CODESA), can bring true and meaningful change to our Black condition. If we are serious as Afrikans (Blacks) about our Afrikan Being (Blackness) then we will know that the road to total liberation is still long, and be willing to be part of the daily struggles of Black people. 

Our state of consciousness, our mindset must be cultivated so that we may know that the white man is a thief, a robber, a rapist, a bloodsucker, a barbarian who only lives in this country to exploit Afrikan resources, and enjoy the pleasures of life at the expense and peril of Black people. We must stop this madness that keeps on destroying our Afrikan-ness. Negotiations with the thieves did not solve anything in this country; instead it made things worse and more complicated. Today you have Blacks believing the lie that this country is free.

We must fight for our freedom. We cannot negotiate for our freedom or accept freedom on a silver plate from white men like De Klerk and his kind. Those who seek freedom must be prepared to struggle for it, to fight for it & to kill for it - rather than accept it through the shaking of hands with oppressors, and having won it; they must stand on their feet without dependence and without favours from their oppressors. 

They must be prepared to assert their ability to maintain liberation without exchanging it for financial support (IMF/World Bank) or for subsidies. Freedom or liberation cannot be simply words devoid of meaning; they must always remain principles admitting no compromise or suspicion, principles demanding respect for self and at the same time equal respect for the rights of others. South Africa must be destroyed. Azania must be born. This is our  divine destiny. The Black Youth must rise to 
the occasion.