The racism of so-called judge Mabel Jansen is not an individual-istic issue. Jansen is a white racist judge who presides over racist white supremacist courts and administrates a racist white supremacist law (Roman-Dutch-Anglo-Saxon) against Blacks in this country.
The law (and the so-called justice system) in South Africa is inherently racist, colonialist and white supremacist. Besides Jansen, you have Black-skinned police, lawyers, prosecutors, magistrates and judges who administrate these colonial, racist white supremacist laws against our people on a daily basis.
Black people are incarcerated on a daily basis all over this country on the basis of white colonialist, racist white supremacist laws. The jails, prisons and so-called correctional facilities of this country are filled with Black people sentenced in colonial, racist white supremacist courts under these colonial, racist white supremacist laws.
Just as evil Jansen believes all Black men are inherently rapists (a view some feminists/feminazis hold by the way), so do all these administrators of white injustice believe that all Black men are inherently criminals.
Now... perhaps let's remind Jansen that it was her white brother, Alfred Kinsey the sadistic psychopath - so-called scientific 'Father of the Sexual Revolution' who, through his 'scientific studies', justified not only the rape of young women, but also sodomy, pederasty or pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia and incest.
Kinsey and his gang of psychopaths raped children as young as 2 months old - for 'scientific research'. And this is well documented in two of his volumes: Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male and Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female.
Jansen is a member of a race of psychopathic racists, cold-blooded killers, rapists, looters and plunderers. The fact that she exists in this country is a direct result of the rape and killing of our Ankhcestors - the rape and killing of our great-grandmothers, the sodomizing and killing of our great-grandfathers.
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