"The history of Black Afrika will remain suspended in air and cannot be written correctly until Afrikan historians dare to connect it with the history of Egypt" - Dr Cheik Anta Diop
The Bible demonizes ancient Egypt (Kemet) as a land of slavery where the so-called Jews were supposedly enslaved for 400 years before their emancipation by Moses. As a result, many Black people today have a negative perception of Egypt as a land of slavery and a place ruled by a ruthless King named Pharaoh (this was a title of all Egyptian Kings & Queens).
Majority of our Black people think that there was one single ruler named 'Pharaoh'. They don't know that hundreds of Black Pharaohs ruled ancient Egypt (Kemet) for thousands of years before any European human or civilization ever existed.
Black people have been tricked into hating Egypt (Kemet) and loving Rome.
Yet ancient Egypt (Kemet) & Ethiopia (Kush) are the original seats and cultural base of Afrikan civilizations, just as Greece & Rome are to Europe. Europains looted artifacts from Egypt (Kemet), Ethiopia (Kush) and thorughout the continent and destroyed Afrikan civilizations.
All Europain cities, libraries, archives and museums are filled with artifacts stolen and looted from Afrika. All the architecture of all the world's parliaments, universities, courts, museums and libraries are modeled after the ancient Temples in Luxor and Karnak in Egypt (Kemet).
All Europain philosophers - from Plato, to Socrates, to Democritus, to Pythagoras, to Thales, to Herodotus, to Hippocrates etc. - were all students in ancient Egypt (Kemet) for more than a decade each. The very foundations of all the disciplines taught in all universities in the world (science, medicine, mathematics, physics, chemistry, sociology, astronomy, theology etc..) originated in ancient Egypt (Kemet) and Ethiopia (Kush).
"The history of Black Afrika will remain suspended in air and cannot be written correctly until Afrikan historians dare to connect it with the history of Egypt" - Dr Cheik Anta Diop
This call of Dr Cheik Anta Diop to Afrikan historians remains critical today.
I would agree with the premise of this article. There were no "jews" or "Hebrews" as described by the bible in ancient Kemet. Ancient Kemet had at most times two ruling Pharaohs. One in upper and one in lower Kemet (akthough they did not have an idea of magnetic or true north so upper Kemet was actually in the south). There were definately black African Pharaohs as well as foreign Pharoahs of varying races such as the Ptolemaic rulers. Mhy studies delve into the innacurate lies of the old testament pertaining to the so called jews. It's historically impossible that anyone was a jew at that time because the people who were probably the Hyksos, were polytheists at the time, most likley refugees originally from the lnad of Cannaan. They used the written language of cuneiform, and then the Phonecian pictogram written language. Before the Hyksos were expelled from Kemet by Pharoah Ahmosis III and his father before him, they could NOT have been jews, period. Judiasm didn't really exist until long after the rise of Israel. Even the name Israel (literal meaning: The Land of El) proves the country was formed on the idea of the chief god of the Cannaanite pantheon el elyon. Coins in Kemet were produced around the time of the Hyksos (foreign rules/shepard kings) which had the Cannaanite gods El, Athirat(Ahserah) and Anat. These were not Kemetian gods. It stand to reason that the Canaanites who fled to Kemet fleeing the Sea People attacks, eventually became the Hyksos rulers in North Kemet and made these coins. This is consistent with the real evidence in Kemet, that there were no slaves, no jews, and that the "exodus" was actually an expulsion. The Hyksos had to have been the Canaanites. So I agree that history has been intentionally skewed. Also see "The Antiquities of the Jews" by Josephus, where in he says he is positive his ancestors in Israel were the Hyksos.